My primary goal for this site was to teach myself WordPress.
That is working, by the way.
I have a lot more to learn, for sure, but as far as putting together a basic blog-style website, I am getting very comfortable with all of the workings and how everything functions. Furthermore, when I can sit down and create anything, whether it be a new post such as this one or a new gallery (check out the galleries), it stimulates that creative part of my brain that is hungry to be exercised.
When I start writing I often end up in what I refer to as a “flow state.”
Whether I am writing a post or maybe a chapter for a book, when I start writing about whatever topic I wish to discuss, I lose track of time and sense of my surroundings.
I could be sitting there writing for hours. If I really get going, my wife practically has to knock me off the keyboard with a two-by-four, “Hey, time for bed, Shakespeare, you have to work in the morning.”
The flow-state is when I am doing that which I love to do, and being creative.
For me, it’s when I am writing. I lose track of time and my surroundings, and it’s just me and that sentence I am working on.
Anyway, I’m going to keep tinkering around with WordPress, and I’ll probably start writing more.
All good things!